
ALBUMS & Other Photoshop Hacks!

A Trifold Brochure for a DJ Company:

WINE LABELS: Need a Bottle Label or a Company Logo?

These were for paint screened on glass directly, wrapped around the bottle.

Cool Dual-Skull Butchery Logo

Sorry Vegans... This was tough to draw also as I used elements of a live cow and a skinned cow head to show that this company will do a complete job on your site. They make spicy sausage... Look them up in Bandon!

APPLE - iTRANSFER: Concept Design for a Hard Drive Copy Interface

This is an example of one of a few product ideas I have sent to Apple. I can do this type of rendering for your idea if that is the type of design you need.
This would still be cool to have!
Apple R&D give me a call!!! 
I am still waiting...

Greeting Cards ready for print... MEDICINE for HUMANITY